藝術家:DAMIEN HIRST 達米恩·赫斯特
達米恩·赫斯特生於布里斯托,是英國青年藝術家的主要代表人物之一。他主導了1990年代的英國藝術發展並享有很高的國際聲譽。赫斯特在1986年9月就讀於倫敦大學金匠學院。1995年獲得英國當代藝術大獎特納獎。 赫斯特對於生物有機體的有限性十分感興趣。他把動物的屍體浸泡在甲醛溶液里的系列作品《自然歷史》有著極高的知名度。
This poster featuring Homage to a Government—The Dwelling Place (2006) was produced in 2007, in conjunction with Damien Hirst: Superstition at Gagosian, Davies Street, London, and Gagosian, Beverly Hills. The exhibition included Kaleidoscope paintings that reference stained-glass windows in their intricate geometric patterns. Hirst has given each painting two titles: the first taken from High Windows by the English poet Philip Larkin, whose fatalistic, colloquial writings speak to a seemingly shared extinguished faith, and the second making direct reference to religious iconography.
Dimensions: 39 × 26 inches (100 × 66 cm)
版數:open edition, 2020
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